duminică, 12 mai 2019

Recyclable Materials Organizer(organizator din materiale reciclabile)

Am folosit tuburile goale de la hartia igienica,o cutie cu capac,hartie auocolanta diverse culori,dantela pentru ornament si aracet pentru lipit tuburile intre ele.
Mai intai am imbracat tuburile in hartie autocolanta,am fixat danteluta,le-am lipit cu aracet ,inclusiv capacul,pentru o mai buna rezistenta,apoi am ornat cutia cu restul de dantela.Au intrat aproximativ 2 metri dantela si 4 coli de hartie autocolanta

I used the empty tubes from the toilet paper, a box with lid, paper, different colors, lace for ornament and the glue for sticking the tubes between them.
First I dressed the tubes in paper sticker, I fixed the lace, I glued them with the fabric, including the lid, for better endurance, then I ornate the box with the rest of the lace.
Necesarry materiales :2m of lace and 4 paper sticker sheets ,8 tubes from toilet paper and one box

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